Do you really want a headhunter to train your people?

Do you really want a headhunter to train your people?

Can a headhunter educate? It is a question that cybersecurity headhunter Camilla Treschow Schrøder underestimated, when she decided to act on the great skill gap and increasing pressure, she was witnessing within the industry. She recently founded the new cyber...
Why leadership competencies are crucial in cybersecurity

Why leadership competencies are crucial in cybersecurity

As cybersecurity has reached the top agenda in organizations, it poses a new pressure and challenge on the role of cyber managers. Happening over a short time, many are not yet used, nor trained, to navigate the corporate attention and stakeholders.Not to...
OT Security – what is the challenge?

OT Security – what is the challenge?

If you want to know more about the issues within OT, security expert Mikael Vingaard is the person to talk to. Mikael has worked in IT security in the last 20 years, and exclusively in OT security since 2014. He is now running one of the world’s leading...
The CISO role is a swingdoor

The CISO role is a swingdoor

On average, a CISO lasts for 18 months in the job – this is evident from our market monitoring at CSA CPH. Thus, the CISO role has become one of the major job hopping positions of our time. Why is that? Are CISOs opportunistic career climbers chasing the next pay...